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CECO-Uganda has been working tirelessly to promote sustainable development through community empowerment. Our recent projects have focused on environmental conservation, education, and agricultural development. Learn more about our work and how we are achieving our goals by exploring the projects below.


"Stop the bush burning"- an environmental education and advocacy campaign to reduce bush burning in the region. Currently the region is experiencing higher rates of bush burning, particularly in the dry season. In the region there is a culture to burn grass on farms and some times these fires spread and consume forest areas. The objective for this project is to create awareness about the dangers of bush burning, and law. The second objective is to accelerate the implementation of the law against bush burning.


Go Green Project.  CECO-Uganda has embarked on a 1-3 million  tree planting campaign 2026  project across the Tooro/Rwenzori region.

Project Goal: To conserve and protect the fragile ecosystem environment and create awareness on the adverse impact of human activity on the natural ecosystem


  1. Mobilizing Stakeholders/resources to plant 1-3 million trees in the Tooro/Rwenzori region by 2026.

  2. Creating awareness on the adverse impact of single use plastic on our natural environment.

  3. Creation of awareness on environmental protection by the community mostly the youth and children.

Youth Skilling: We are training young people in Green skills such as solar installation and eco-prenuership across the Tooro/Rwenzori sub regions. 


Renewable energy project: We are working in Refugee communities of; Rwamwanja, Kyaka II and Navivale delivering renewable energy solutions. For this work we partner with the Joint Effort to Save the Environment (JESE). CECO-Uganda is an expert in delivering sustainable renewable energy solutions. This project is also targeting schools and public institutions that use a lot of biomass for their energy needs. 


Women Empowerment Project: This project is targeting 1800 women and 250 women adjacent to Natural resources in Kyenjojo and Kabarole Districts. The project equips participants with practical skills to improve their livelihoods and economic welfare. So far, the target have been trained in crafts making, agribusiness skills, farm improvement through climate smart farming practices, bakery and life skills for the youth. This is a 2 year project since 2022/23 and is sponsored by Bantwana Edu Inc.


My Village Development Magazine: We also publish a magazine titled; My Village Development Magazine. In this magazine we not only share about our work but also works of other development actors in the region. The idea is to manage and share knowledge on development with other actors in Uganda and else. You can read our recent publications here;


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